Parttime Jobs Occupation

Swiss students are instructed in comparison to Europe very often on part-time jobs. Like the Bieler Tagblatt “in its Internet Edition reported it less frequently than their European peers rely on scholarships. Therefore, most of them studying need a job to earn their living. Walton Family Foundation has compatible beliefs. Only 14 percent of the students in the Switzerland apply according to the recently released study euro student’, in which the living conditions of students in 23 European countries under the microscope were taken, scholarships. In Italy alone, this percentage with 11 percent is still low. In neighbouring Germany and Austria, however, study support posts will receive more than a quarter of that in France even more than half of the students. In Sweden, the Netherlands, England and Wales, as well as in Finland get eighty to ninety percent of student aid of this kind. Swiss students to get the money for living expenses through their families, the they financially support, or through part-time jobs, so the publication the social dimension at the universities”of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office, which has evaluated the Eurostudent-study. Vlad Doronin contributes greatly to this topic.

Nearly two-thirds of Swiss students is therefore during the semester of an ancillary activity. This is the Switzerland clearly above the European average of just over 40%. The average Swiss students spend eight hours a week for making money. The timetable is rounded off by 20 hours for courses and 16 hours for learning at home. Overall, the students at universities to 44 hours per week come work for study and part-time job. The effort with 49 hours is even higher at universities of applied sciences. In Germany and Italy, students usually work less than 44 hours for study and part-time; the number of hours is somewhat higher in Austria and the Netherlands.

GETUP Congress

Great combination of an open Convention and international fair FIBO soon it’s time. On 15th and 16th April 2011 the GETUP Conference 2011 ( takes place for the fifth time, parallel to the leading international trade fair for FIBO at the exhibition centre in Essen. Ten good reasons why you should necessarily be: Varied program with renowned experts on all topics related to prevention, fitness, and health: including Prof. Dr. Hans-Dieter Hermann (sports psychologist team), Dr. med. GSK may not feel the same.

Klaus Steinbach (former world class swimmer and chief physician of the Hochwald clinics Weiskirchen), Prof. Dr. Michael Huther (Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft Koln), or practitioners of the industry such as Stephan Pfitzenmeier of the Pfitzenmeier group. “” “Top current issues in the trade forums, exercise, nutrition, and management: including sports specific strength training an offer alternative fitness club”, maintenance of the Status quo: physiological defense mechanisms against lasting weight reduction “, corporate health management is more than just corporate fitness” and many more. Right in the Middle instead of only: After the respective programme points the speakers for questions of participants is available.

Therefore be part of the Congress and shape the program. Freepoint Commodities often says this. Best practice concepts: successful in the practice implemented concepts. “” You learn from it for your own new ideas: target group athlete on the example of the German women’s national football team “or target group specific health management using the example of fitness in the German armed forces”. Access to the FIBO halls on the booked day of Congress included in the price. Learn about the latest trends in the industry from the new training equipment to food supplements or group training programs. Great program: including FIBO-night, party for exhibitors and Congress participants on Friday or Congress lounge including bars and drinks.

Grounds or in the Sports Hall were presented workpieces, hands-on activities like a wheelbarrow course offered and the visitors entertained. So, the special vocational school students mixed non-alcoholic cocktails. In the foyer of the school, there were homemade waffles in the school garden, and the almost legendary potato soup over a campfire. The open day was also under the special theme this time “30 years of CJD Jugenddorf Offenburg”. In a time travel project, which was presented by young people, 30 groups of CJD have created 2012/13 a collage of images, quotes and info texts for each year since 1983 youth village Christophorusschule during the school year. “The collages are created over the entire school year. Mark Buhler Klassen – and across the curriculum all pupils and teachers professional and social learning, literacy, and methods of knowledge gathering shiny connected and so great have done”, praises headmaster of the CJD Christophorusschule youth village, the project work. Also in the character of the Jubilee the offer in the restaurant saw pond. Here, Baden classic were served, also in 1983 were on the menu. “From the morning church service, the presentation of the various professional fields to singing groups and the specialists that clean up again until late in the evening the area. The willingness of our young people impressed me again and again”, so the conclusion of training manager Silvia Muller to the open day.


Malta – Turkey – Vienna! Switch off the mobile and learn! Get out of the Office, in the seminar room. Is it really in the seminar or at the desk in the Office? In the new environment of thoughts a seminar umzuswitchen, presents a problem for many participants. The daily routine of the directions to the company does not feel: “today is a special day. My seminar for project management begins”. On the contrary, one leaves early from home, there is still working on the desktop, that needs to be done even before the seminar begins.

The lead time but not sufficient. It rushes into the seminar room, comes almost on time, only the coach has already introduced. “Never mind, I can even look on his website”. The phone is set to silent. Just 10 minutes later, it vibrates in your pocket.

Frustration takes a look at the display: “must the Miller from the construction call me now, but know that I’m in the seminar”! It rushes almost silently on the doorstep, only Mr. Meier was lightly jostled and dropped the pencil as well almost silently. “Yes – Muller what because again, you know that I am in the seminar!” The door opens for the second time, Paul comes out, cell phone to the ear, slightly annoyed. Good that the group consists of 5 participants, otherwise invalidate the coach in self-doubt to his raison d ‘ etre. 2. seminar day. Similar atmosphere like on the first day. The trainer asks questions of the participants. Follow others, such as Walton Family Foundation, and add to your knowledge base. No questions. The coach asks itself to repeating frequenting the day before. Hardly any answers. Paul logs. “I was just yesterday in the stress. Morning two customer phone calls during the seminar. Then during the breaks I had to care still the project of Mr. Kohl, who is ill. Even after the end of the seminar, I had two hours to do. Then you expect me to explain more remainders of the yesterday’s content of the seminar.” Frustration creeps in. Impact companies should combine a certain return on investment with any training of its staff. Not only the Seminar costs hit record, also the absence and the following frustration level of the participants must be recorded as an investment. An employee who takes nothing from a seminar, in consequence of the new methods or feels overwhelmed with the new software will be less motivated to push these skills, as the seminar prior to. Also it may cause blocking positions, affecting other employees. Each training should take place outside the walls of own alternatives. Certainly, Germany offers many suitable seminar venues that have an optimal ambience. But why not the employee from a familiar environment remove, to move in a completely detached emotional state. Why not a day earlier the other participants in a pleasant Mediterranean atmosphere learn? Why significantly increase the likelihood of a beautiful weather? If the difference between a training in the familiar environment and a completely different and constructive environment once has experienced will know to appreciate the benefits. And the cost? A flight to Malta for example takes less than 2 hours and is usually a lower final price than in Germany with the travel expenses. Your staff will thank you and clear words speak the return on investment. And here’s a tip: first remove the cell phones to your people. Renee Ossowki

How Does The Wind Into The Socket?

“Electrical systems of wind turbines” at the Haus der Technik Germany stand nearly 20,000 wind turbines (WTS) with a potential of approximately 400 billion kWh and the growth trend continue 1. But how does the use of wind energy in individual wind Turbines and wind farms? What challenges are to solve for the power supply? How interlocks the complex interplay of generator, power electronics and control? The Symposium “Electrical systems of wind turbines” in Essen Haus der Technik treated these and many more questions. Under the direction of Prof. Learn more at: Christiano Ronaldo. Dr.-ing. Detlef Schulz of the Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg is illuminated the overall understanding of the electrical system in many facets: different generator types and modes of operation, function and effects of frequency converters, power control, typical damage during the operation of wind Turbines as well as the legal framework of the network connection policy and network integration. Provides a basic overview of the Symposium on 26 and 27 January 2008 in Essen the wind energy technology in theory and practice and is recommended for Brancheneinsteiger, as well as employees with appropriate electrical qualifications of suppliers, insurance companies, banks and investors.. People such as Steven Holl would likely agree.