Why I Have No Girlfriend?

In my blog I frequently get the same concerns why not very graceful fulanos are beautiful girlfriends and I do not? Is it so difficult to find the ideal woman? What I have to do? How to get girlfriend? What have especially those men who regularly have fine girlfriends? The first. They are good talkers. The main lubricant of a relationship is the conversation. Those who have problem to establish relationships with women regularly fails at this point. The uncomfortable silences are frequent in their conversations or the hesitation to speak. The lack of topics of conversation is a constant.

Beyond this a woman hopes that the person at your side makes it feel happy despite the fact that is going through a bad time, hence, making people laugh every candidate is a prerequisite to obtaining a commitment. Second. They have a successful posture, which helps to create interest in the candidate. This does not mean to pretend to be a different person on the contrary is to show her the value that one has in a subtle way and without being presumptuous. Be presumptuous of material possessions or labor positions is a common mistake that can scare the candidate.

Sporting, artistic, musical, intellectual, skills social can be guided so that they don’t look presumption. On the other hand successful posture is being seen with beautiful friends and generally establish good social relations. Third party. They take long enough to find out her emotional needs. Inquire what she needs to regularly is not difficult if he is in fact actively sought. The common mistake to start a relationship of friendship is not search this need which is regularly expressed either in conversation or in body language. Interested man should be observer and above all listen and try to understand well. What are the faults that can cool a budding relationship with a woman? The first.


The background of the fresco painting in Tuscany of the thirteenth century, are in the evolution print art of the arts of drawing and color during the High Middle Ages in Italy. The initial seeds roman ancient that were to become a new pictorial language can be seen in the frescoes and mosaics of the church of St. Clement of Rome wall art (circa 1080), which despite a artificiality and modern art rigidity of Byzantine Art, omnipresent throughout the Italian Geneva peninsula, is the presence of the classical tradition or Paleochristian. In the same sense we can speak of the mosaics in the apse of Santa Maria in new york Transtevere (circa 1145) about the calligraphy wonderful humanity of the characters as a prelude to the styles of the thirteenth century.
The mosaics of the Basilica San Marco in Venice (siglos XI-XIV) are the largest group of Byzantine style in Italy. New york and Geneva both have the exhibit of is the world leader in ancient art Teachers led the local mosaic work that was started by Oriental craftsmen. the deep love of is the best in the area of ancient art In these mosaics was a greater freedom of composition and strong accents Paleochristian and Romans in the choice of ethnic or historical themes, very close to the daily scenes in the sculptures of the cathedrals, which overlap with the Byzantines (who are the main topics: liturgical or theological), so let the critics say that the issues in San Marcos language spoken in western Byzantine. Maniera Greca is prevailing in the Italian painting during the Duecento.
Progress towards a new pictorial language still museum art in Tuscany where the various trends in painting led to the activity of four schools associated with the cities of Lucca, Pisa, Siena and Florence, along with the city of Rome, which was always more persistent the stronghold art of the classical tradition against the Byzantine art.
Gothic architecture munca came to put down roots in Italy, where greek ancient the building of art prints the Cistercian church was contemporary art led by the Franciscans and Dominicans. The ship, premises or place as principal of the church, is characterized by a change in the proportions for the width or the return of the walls which was imposed in the Tuscan churches of Santa Maria Novella the (1278) or from Florence Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. In the church of Santa Croce (1294) of Florence, the architect Arnolfo di Cambio basilica became the coffered ceiling, leaving the vault to a trend of gothic architecture prelude to the Renaissance.

Gangsta Rap

Gangsta rap is a style of hip hop music also called rap which became a popular and controversial art style in the 1990s. The first gangsta rap song is generally regarded as the 1987 song, Ice-T n Six n da Mornin. Reggae music has a long history of conflict with the law. The song of Bob Marley I Shot the Sheriff, published in 1973, is much older than cualaquier other gangsta rap song for almost 20 years. Gangsta rap in general tends to illegal activities such as reference to participation in gangs, trouble with the law, prostitution, rape, rivalry in Hip Hop and many references to violence. References to violence were nothing new in music, heavy metal was full of them.

However, gangsta rap often seems to glorify violence, participation in gang, drug, the battles of roosters, etc. Despite the controversial gangsta rap, or perhaps because of this character, this is taken to the rap of competition as its mainstream, so it makes part of the music sold in the United States.UU. Many of the titles of the first songs of gangsta rap and their accompanying albums cannot be nisiquiera written out of respect to you readers. The first gangsta rap artists including Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Spice 1, and Sir Jinx. Some of the most influential in the gangsta rap movement are considered. The rivalry also arose between the artists of gangsta rap on the West Coast and the coast, which made possible his bad reputation. Many feel that art imitates life, since the rivalry culminated with the death of Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG Biggie Smalls lead. Although some, like Puff Daddy claimed that the death of these artists also killed to Gangsta Rap, many albums went out and were the most popular among fans to hip hop.

Argentina Julieta

The mapuche language does not have a Word to define time. Perhaps do not lack in the terrestrial Paradise of Patagonia, southwest of Argentina, where takes place the peaceful existence and slow motion of this original people of South America. Yes you must however exist the concept of rhythm, that music plays a central and essential role in all celebrations of the mapuches. They use it to give them a special value to the events. It is one of the aspects that most impressed me trip, explains the Mexican singer Julieta Venegas.

With trip refers to the five days that El Pescao David Otero, Marc Ros of Sidonie, Jesus Antunez of Dover and India Martinez went diving with their guitars and percussion among the people and the Mapuche customs. This immersion in apnea artists came out with images and melodies that the Argentine director Nahuel Lerena has become the documentary in search of the sound of the wind II.

Brazil Travel Against The Winter Cold

At the moment, Brazil is the ideal destination for all those who want to escape the cold of winter. Brazil is the most popular destination for Europeans in South America. The Copacabana and the Sugar Loaf have for decades synonymous with exotic Brazil travel. The versatile dream destination has to offer much more than just beautiful beaches. Brazil has the largest contiguous forest of the world and travel in the Amazon basin, to know the stunning nature of the country, is already no longer a secret tip. The best time to travel is difficult to determine due to the size of the country an ideal time for Brazil. Dry bushland in the heartland, the Amazon jungle and beaches on the East Coast provide a regionally very different climate.

In the area around Recife on the Atlantic Ocean, will travel best from September until February, in Brazil’s jungle from June to October and to the seaside holiday to Rio in the hot season from November to April. Culture and people the population of Brazil is considered very hospitable and often offer travelers tea, coffee or even a whole meal. A Brazilian has plenty of time and not rushed. A Brazil traveller must bring time accordingly. So, it is possible to experience the traditional, heavily dominated by agriculture the local life and experience the Brazilian Joie de vivre. But not only that: travels through Brazil offer numerous sports and leisure activities. Mountain climbing and hang-gliding mean pure adventure. On the coast everywhere water skiing and scuba diving opportunities, as in Fernando de Noronha, where humpback whales, dolphins, and sharks can be seen.

In addition, football in Brazil is a national passion, which is celebrated passionately as well as the traditional dance fight capoeira. Not to mention the famous Brazilian Carnival, which is a real experience! The most beautiful cities of Rio de Janeiro was the capital of Brazil for 125 years and rightly considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Rio is situated between the mountains on beautiful Beaches, including the famous Copacabana or Ipanema. The hot Samba rhythms, the sugar loaf and the 38-metre-tall statue of Christ, which is the city’s most famous landmark, will allow any traveler in amazement. The fascinating cities of Sao Paulo, Manaus or Salvador are worth a visit! Far from Brazil Hotels mean also wonderful places of refuge in almost untouched nature of living civilization. The Amazon and its tributaries invite to boating and fishing excursions. Its rain forest is the largest in the world. Also in the Pantanal one is breathtaking diversity of flora and fauna, endless expanses and unforgettable sunsets. Not missing a visit to the impressive Iguacu should also falls in the middle of the tropical jungle on the border between Argentina and Brazil. Wonderful accommodation on your individual Brazil travel offers hotels and resorts of extra class, which are not only ideal as a starting point for exciting voyages of discovery, but also with flair and luxury Facilities provide the necessary relaxation after an eventful day in Brazil’s vibrant metropolises or wild jungle.

Scientific Studies Confirm

Participants of scientific study report about your Expereience with enzymatic enriched wheat products such as squeezy athletic squeezy athletic is a dietary supplement for weight controlling diet. Squeezy athletic is based on natural wheat wholemeal, a patented, biological fermentation process the strength is almost completely removed from the. In nutritional science, this is product also called enzymatically closed wheat product. The result is a nutrient with high-quality protein, fiber and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. Scientific studies of the Heinrich-Heine University in Dusseldorf and further investigations by Dr. Manfred Claussen prove the efficiency of enzymatic closed wheat products for weight loss. The measurement of 62 participants in the study by Dr.

Manfred Claussen logs a significant weight reduction resulting in particular from the mine dung of fat. The weekly weight loss varies between 1.25 and 2.3 kg. Kg weight loss achieved in case of use of wheat products 10-12 in 4 weeks. In the fat acceptance is 72% in the context of weight loss in the media. The difference between fat loss and weight loss is explained by additional water loss. The weight loss is so largely based on a melting of excess body fat.

It is noteworthy that the reduction of body fat not only in significantly overweight could be determined, but also for instance. Appear will typically have to get rid of fat annoying trouble. Selected verbatim excerpts of the reports of the participants in the study show a single image.

Sleep Problems

The five most common causes of sleep problems insomnia and sleep problems include the numerically biggest complaints of the Germans. Around 40% give to have occasional sleep problems. So what to do against the insomnia? A flat response does not exist on it, since it can have many causes, if someone can fall asleep is difficult, but I will give you here some who frequently call and how you can fight them to sleep well again. Five causes of insomnia and what you can do about it: incorrect room temperature straight in winter sleep 1.Das many people when fully turned on heating, ignorant, this is absolutely deadly for their sleep! Five shock airing before go to bed work wonders! The optimal sleeping temperature is at 15-16 C, no matter how hot or cold it is outside. In addition, it is very important that they have fresh air in your bedroom. Stuffy, hot air, prevents a simple sleep very much and ensures that you are the next morning as feel slain. 2.Fehlende Sleep hygiene Yes, also the hygiene can have an influence on their sleep behavior, even though this is a rather unknown factor. Go sweaty and miefend in bed, perhaps certainly not comfortable lie is even on bedding since no longer changed a month, then you feel.

If you feel uncomfortable, it is the difficult to sleep and he gets what? That’s right, insomnia! So: Take a shower before going to sleep or take a hot bath (that helps by itself already very strongly, even if they are clean! 😉 and Ade wave of insomnia in a dream.) 3.Seelische loads if you feel emotionally burdened, perhaps by a dispute with the partners, the boss or a friend, then went it internally on. Their idea did not come to rest and will increasingly revolve around the topic. That takes away the sleep. Solve the problems or find a solution to move them or to let go for the moment internally, then you can sleep again. 4. sport front Going to sleep not only your mental state, but also the physical, a strong influence on whether and how it has can sleep.

If you go just before bedtime intensive sports have operated, then your body still in a highly active state is, he don’t want to sleep, but he is set to physical activity. Post-workout, blood pressure remains elevated even two hours! So, When they go to sleep at 10, then they should be done best to 7 with the sport, just to be sure to go 😉 5.Korperliche tension sports is not the only cause which they can keep her body. Also the tension is a problem that can have insomnia resulted after the exertions of the day. Remedy, home remedies, the good old tricks that knew Granny still can insomnia. Everything from the classic warm milk with honey to the Kneipp treading water can help you. Unfortunately not every home remedy helps everyone, so they should try various means to find what best fails on you. One You can download report with 10 home remedies for sleep problems on my site.

Quick Muscle Building Realistic

How to quickly and effectively build Muskelnmasse in almost every gym or sports center, there various exercises, which are tuned exactly on the personal body of trained coaches, put together to achieve a faster and effective muscle building. Nowadays, as well as every person wants to, achieve a rapid muscle growth, without much effort. But to build muscle, you have to regularly train, train hard and you should not use prohibited agents. Generally, several repetitions of exercises that you use light weights, heavy weights, have more effect than exercises which muscles and tendons straining only sustainably. A very crucial point in the muscle is the genetic predisposition or the physique. If for example the muscles in the upper arm are shorter, then we have a faster success man, or can see, however, more work is much longer muscles needed and visible progress of the muscle structure will take longer.

In addition to the training, you should also regularly drink protein (protein) shakes, to promote muscle building. There are these shakes in the Internet, the gym or sport-shops. You should make sure to use only protein preparations containing only pure, natural ingredients, these should include hormones or similar substances which are harmful, not if. A coach can be in addition to the specific training plans create diet plans, this weight gain is based on quick muscle building, very desired, to build also the corresponding muscle mass. The goal should be a more toned body with well defined muscles, which should look like but of course. For this purpose, you need endurance, targeted exercises, as well as coordination, because this one can train specific muscle groups or define. The whole thing happens but not in a few days, you should train his muscles next to the treat in any case also the rest to the far are required.

In the rest the muscles recover from muscle fibres cracks (muscle cat), you will be rebuilt from scratch here and thus also stronger. Exercise without rest harms the muscle in the end, and it also not more muscle to establish this at the same time. If you want to train but every day, then you should exercise every day just another muscle group (or range), as a result of the complete body is tightened. It is so to recommend to take a coach to make the perfectly matched exercises together with his help prior to training. Even if home is trained, it should be previously advised. Then, a quick muscle building is guaranteed. If you want to learn more about this subject then please follow this link: fast muscle building

DDR Memory

High-performance memory cards generation Florstadt, August 05, 2009. Extrememory delivers HYPerformance cards immediately his new generation of SDHC. The cards offer a guaranteed continuous data transfer rate of 10 megabytes per second (class 10). The high performance SDHC Extrememory HYPerformance cards conform to the SDHC specification v3. 0. This new specification provides for continuous writing speeds of 10 MB / s (class 10) for the first time. This can be ideal for video recording with the camcorder or burst shots with the digital camera these cards. The Extrememory HYPerformance cards such as the transmission of data to the PC are still faster.

Here they reach up to 22 MB per second read speed, in write mode, the new cards make up to 15 MB per second. The SDHC Extrememory HYPerformance cards are available in capacities of 8 to 32 gigabytes. Soon there will be also a new HYPerformance series CF memory cards from Extrememory, also excels significantly higher transmission speed is characterized as traditional CF cards. Recommended retail prices (including VAT): Extrememory SDHC HYPerformance 8 GB: 29,-euro Extrememory SDHC HYPerformance 16 GB: 49,-euro Extrememory SDHC HYPerformance 32 GB: 109,-euros over Extrememory: Extrememory is a manufacturer of high-quality storage media. founded in 1999 as a brand of COS memory AG with seat in the Hessian town of Flor, Extrememory is today with around six million largest specialist for Flash cards, USB drives and DRAM memory modules, and one of the leading brands in Europe sold memory cards in Germany. Extrememory’s product portfolio includes Flash memory cards of all formats and speeds, USB drives, DRAM Modules for laptop and PC, as well as accessories.


Moxa is in Hall 7, stand F66 at POWERGRID Europe in Cologne, Germany from 26 to 28 May 2009. Moxas portfolio of industrial communication solutions is equivalent to the specific needs and conditions of applications in energy automation. On the POWERGRID Europe 2009 Moxas shows its competence in this area with custom-tailored solutions like IEC 61850-3 rackmount switches certified Gigabit Ethernet switches and industrially proven embedded computers. IEC-61850-3 Ethernet layer 3 switches PowerTrans industrial Ethernet switches offer reliability and availability for switchgears and substations at the highest level, with shielding against electromagnetic interference (EMI), – 40 up to 85 C operating temperature and power and media redundancy for harsh industrial environments. For example, is the PT-7828 IEC 61850-3 and IEEE 1613 certified and has a robust, modular housing with glass fiber and Gigaport connections. Industrial Gigabit Ethernet switches Moxa provides support for applications with high Transfer rate a series of Gigabit Ethernet products that form in conjunction with control stations, video-over-IP devices or other Ethernet-enabled devices Gigabit networks.

Moxas Gigabit Ethernet switches EDS-728/828 are layer 2 and 3 compatible, stand-alone EDS-510A/518A”Gigabit Ethernet, and EDS-G308/G509 to full Gigabit Ethernet switches. This Gigabit Ethernet products provide best compatibility and flexibility for your network infrastructure. Embedded computer for substations has a robust housing for industrial automation applications with 19-inch rack solutions Moxas embedded computer as-682. The DA-682 is based on the Intel x 86 processor and supports VGA, 4 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 8 serial ports (RS-232/422/485) with optical isolation protection, CompactFlash, and USB. A special advantage is the 2 KV isolation protection of the serial ports, ensuring ideal network availability in harsh industrial environments.