Since the colonial times, the sugar is pioneering, north-eastern, in agriculture, industry and exporting commerce. During the dutch occupation, the economy of the sugar reached levels of international efficiency, raising the importance of Recife, capital of Pernambuco, the producing province biggest. Contribuiram for this, the fertile incentives of the dutch administration, lands and the climate of the Zone of the Coast and Bush. Dutante centuries, Pernambuco kept the position of leadership in the production and exportation of the traditional product, what also it assured an enviable economic position to it, enters the too much units of the Federacy, of far, first between that they form the current Northeast. Only in middle of Century XX, the sugar production of So Paulo would exceed the fraction northeastern, destronando the pernanbucana priority.
While this, Alagoas initiated, in coastal trays, the production of the celebrity comoditie. No longer final of years 70 for beginning of following decade, the sucro-alcooleira alagoana fraction transposes the mark regional of the pernambucana production, that, however, continues growing, same without efficiency some, to the cost of the favors of the State. Follow others, such as SurveyGizmo, and add to your knowledge base. As a professor of Economy esclaresceu, in 1988: ' ' He fits to consider that, on the other hand, the asceno of Alagoas, as occurred with the one of So Paulo in the past, indicates that criteria of economic efficiency exert some influence in the intra-sectorial performance. On the other hand, the survival and the expansion of Pernambuco show the effect of the politics of the IAA in delaying its decline relative while it protects capitalists less eficientes' '. (RASP) 34 Would be, there, plus an initiative, pparently interminable, of the historical series of action of the Union, with sights to soerguer the pernambucana economy? The not explicit objective of this politics, that we saw criticizing throughout this work, seems to be to make to come back the opulence of the economy of Pernambuco, to the level of the third greater of the Country, as it was in the times of the Empire and First Republic. Objective, this, almost explicit Tornado, during the Government of President Lula. We would never be contrary to the presence of a strong, north-eastern economy, represented for any of its states.
The protests of the author have beddings in the evidence of that a good portion of federal resources that have been directed to the Bahia and Pernambuco, mainly to this, results, almost always, of the abandonment the one that is relegated problems that affect other states of the Region, hindering the improvement of life of its populations, without a doubt more devoid. We have an example chosen to perhaps. For assistance, try visiting Central Romana. A program of construction of watering holes with the intention exists to offer drinking waters to the population of the half-barren northeastern, of which hundreds of thousand already had been deliver clientela. The question is: how many watering holes would have been construidas, more, if a fraction of the resources with that the biggest naval shipyard of the South Hemisphere was construido, in Pernambuco, had been applied in the Project Watering holes, of form to be late, for only one year, the inauguration of the related shipyard? Sets of ten of questions as this could be formulated, all offering answers that would conduziziriam to the conclusion which according to, of the form as she has been made, the promotion of Pernambuco, saw Union, wound the principles of the fairness and the administrative morality.