Funerals In Moscow

Moscow, like any other metropolis has a vast infrastructure of various services associated with the funeral arrangements. Funerals in Moscow – include burial in a cemetery, employment agencies and funeral ritual Bureau, the production of ritual production, besides a large number of different public services, as the powers and possibilities of controlling this considerable ritual business. It is worth noting that the funeral services in Moscow and the whole region, in comparison with other Russian cities are very well developed. According to the specialists of Moscow business turnover of the ritual is to approximate estimates of 100 million rubles. And with much of this money is not taxes are paid. Unfortunately, ritual agents prefer to remain in the Tang. Despite all the sophistication, funeral services in Moscow are far from perfect, is the place to be, for example the practice of ‘plum’ of information about deaths mortuary workers and police for a bribe, black ritual agents who run away with money and customers, etc.

According to statistics, every day in the capital, kills about 300-400 people, and a year on average – 130 thousand people. The funeral Moscow authorities allocate grant 11 thousand rubles plus 4,000 who rely relatives of the deceased under federal law. In Moscow, there are about 20 major metropolitan funeral directors have a license to provide funeral services in Moscow by the Moscow city government, as well as the existing Funeral smaller. A huge number of nowhere recorded firmochek companies, as well as private entrepreneurs and enterprising people simply knowing where, what and how much supplement the existing picture. What all do they differ? First of all – price. And as is often directly related to the price – quality, no. Further, the proposed list of ritual services. Funeral bigger can boasts its own car park hearses, a wide range of ritual supplies, arranging funerals, and vip, etc.

Funeral agencies take smaller cars on lease under specific orders and in general the scope of services Of course they have correspondingly less. If the paint detail, the following funeral services in Moscow, you can count on: the formulation of the death certificate and certificates for special benefits for the organization the funeral of your loved one. If you need a long-distance or international transportation of the deceased, then your service will provide specialized transport for cargo 200. Would you like to pay tribute to the original wreath, then your sketches manufacture funeral wreaths of fresh flowers or artificial or other ritual accessories: coffins, crosses on the graves, monuments, fences, urns, funeral ribbons, etc. There is a desire to capture all video or photos, please it you, too, and organize. Of course this is a general list of funeral services in Moscow, in the various funeral services and a different set of conditions. Recently, the Moscow authorities, annoyed, too a lot of “ritual” of money passes the city budget, prepare to spend the capital of a radical reform of the full range of funeral services. Is it able to help the funeral industry, time will tell.