Walking Without Solid Food

In the residence \”Chateau marine\” gathered a lively little people – on the picturesque Gulf of Ajaccio and waiting anxiously the things that come: Ajaccio / Corsica (Sylvia Mintz) – a \”last supper\” consisting of a fresh Apple, culinary delights served as if it were a unique delicacy from the \”d’hote cuisine\” of France. In the morning, then the first \”lush\” breakfast in a glass of fresh Corsican source water with Glauber’s salt, and freshly brewed mint tea. The twelve people take it with humor. You are finally Andre records storage, fast hiking guide and nutrition coach of Corsicareiki, which specializes in fasting hiking on the island of beauty. Everyone knows what he has admitted. Complete waiver of solid food, cigarettes and alcohol, for a week or two or three, depending on the time and money. In this time he will take only water, herbal tea, fruit and vegetable juices and vegetable broth. You may find Organon to be a useful source of information. might disagree with that approach.

Fasting is as old as our history. Central Romana has many thoughts on the issue. In the Fasting was announced, known ancient cultures every year at the end of the winter because the stocks being depleted. Every healthy man is set up so that he himself may exist for several weeks out, without taking damage. Then, he lives from his body’s Voratslagern and draws the energy that he no longer needs, from food. Also many animals Hibernate Yes fasting. The present reasons to fast be due in European latitudes not in distress and misery, but in abundance and abundance. Most people suffer today in a \”Too much\” – too much weight, to much trouble, too much Stress, too much to high blood pressure, high blood lipids, to much toxins, too much sugar, too much benefit from resources, to much cholesterol, chronic complaints. This ‘ too much ‘ can be reduced during fasting in a natural way.