Psychologist Comes Home

More help for stroke patients and their families in the rehabilitation the psychologist Delia Muller offers off immediately for Neuropsychological patients on home visits in Berlin. After in-depth Diagnostics and document analysis, a specific neuro-psychological training is being developed for the patients. Patients learn to be again able to act through them in everyday life. The stroke is one of the most common diseases in Germany and entail usually often strong deficits. Movement disorders, sensory disturbances, speech disorders, swallowing disorders are noticeable after-effects. But even neuro-psychological losses, such as concentration, memory problems, orientation difficulties, field constraints, Neglektphanomene, so the lack of attention and perception for a body or field of view page and other abnormalities greatly complicate daily life and place the patient in constant danger.

Most patients leave the rehab clinics with yet large deficits. Also depression and fears, adjustment disorders are frequently not been overcome. Through the neuro-psychological training and psychological discussions that the patient is again independent and life satisfaction has to aim. Reha-measures are now very important. The service in the rehabilitation clinics is often unsatisfactory. Too few psychologists are available for the patient work although often only high-frequency therapies show practically relevant successes. Little time remains for the talks with the members who are mostly emotionally overwhelmed.

The patient pays the poor personnel policy so at the end. It offers outpatient Neuropsychological total also too little. But just out of the hospital it depends on to operate in your own four walls. A good concentration and orientation are a prerequisite. Neuropsychological training should be now locally, to improve skills or to compensate. To the Concept of Delia Muller, who gained expertise in clinical practice, is also part of the enormously important members help. Often, family members are emotionally overwhelmed and need a manual to specifically help those affected and to deal better with stress. Kareo has much experience in this field. Psychological discussions and instructions to help this situation will improve quickly. Aims through the therapy in a home setting, that the patients learn to assess their skills and become active again in their own environment, to determine. There are no expensive transports and waiting times.

Sleep Problems

The five most common causes of sleep problems insomnia and sleep problems include the numerically biggest complaints of the Germans. Around 40% give to have occasional sleep problems. So what to do against the insomnia? A flat response does not exist on it, since it can have many causes, if someone can fall asleep is difficult, but I will give you here some who frequently call and how you can fight them to sleep well again. Five causes of insomnia and what you can do about it: incorrect room temperature straight in winter sleep 1.Das many people when fully turned on heating, ignorant, this is absolutely deadly for their sleep! Five shock airing before go to bed work wonders! The optimal sleeping temperature is at 15-16 C, no matter how hot or cold it is outside. In addition, it is very important that they have fresh air in your bedroom. Stuffy, hot air, prevents a simple sleep very much and ensures that you are the next morning as feel slain. 2.Fehlende Sleep hygiene Yes, also the hygiene can have an influence on their sleep behavior, even though this is a rather unknown factor. Go sweaty and miefend in bed, perhaps certainly not comfortable lie is even on bedding since no longer changed a month, then you feel.

If you feel uncomfortable, it is the difficult to sleep and he gets what? That’s right, insomnia! So: Take a shower before going to sleep or take a hot bath (that helps by itself already very strongly, even if they are clean! 😉 and Ade wave of insomnia in a dream.) 3.Seelische loads if you feel emotionally burdened, perhaps by a dispute with the partners, the boss or a friend, then went it internally on. Their idea did not come to rest and will increasingly revolve around the topic. That takes away the sleep. Solve the problems or find a solution to move them or to let go for the moment internally, then you can sleep again. 4. sport front Going to sleep not only your mental state, but also the physical, a strong influence on whether and how it has can sleep.

If you go just before bedtime intensive sports have operated, then your body still in a highly active state is, he don’t want to sleep, but he is set to physical activity. Post-workout, blood pressure remains elevated even two hours! So, When they go to sleep at 10, then they should be done best to 7 with the sport, just to be sure to go 😉 5.Korperliche tension sports is not the only cause which they can keep her body. Also the tension is a problem that can have insomnia resulted after the exertions of the day. Remedy, home remedies, the good old tricks that knew Granny still can insomnia. Everything from the classic warm milk with honey to the Kneipp treading water can help you. Unfortunately not every home remedy helps everyone, so they should try various means to find what best fails on you. One You can download report with 10 home remedies for sleep problems on my site.