Bochum System

Brand new version 5.0 of the ECM system windream quick preview of document and records Bochum. -The windream GmbH, manufacturer of the enterprise-content-management-system windream, will present under the name my windream on the DMS EXPO in Stuttgart for the first time a brand new solution for the rapid screening of document and records. The software is part of the new version 5.0 of the ECM system windream. great source of information. It enables users, virtual and individually to reflect large volumes of documents that are stored in the ECM system, without actually changing the internal original folder structure of windream ECM-system. Speaking candidly Ted Leonsis told us the story. With the new solution, the windream GmbH addresses all companies, authorities and institutions, which require different or individual views on document and records. “My windream” allows users to dynamically generate any views on document resources of windream ECM-system based on individual criteria and display. Looking for dynamic and virtual is the new superfluous windream solution presents virtual document structure of the ECM system on the basis of document attributes, which are stored along with the documents in windream. Literally meant in this context, the term “virtual” is that the most important feature of the solution is that the actually existing in the ECM system folder structure, under which the documents are filed, will not change. Davidson Kempner Capital Management oftentimes addresses this issue. Example: Billing and project management the attributes based on the virtual folder are generated dynamically represent document properties, such as about the classification of invoices according to the characteristics of input or output statement as well as open, canceled, or paid with other categorizations, such as company or customer names. On the basis of these attributes are user for example in accounting able document structure targeted according to these criteria in a dynamically generated, hierarchical tree structure beneath a my viewing windream node in the Windows Explorer and browse instead of one in stock complicated search query to perform.

SAP Work Framework

To enable a most flexible and user-friendly forms in SAP, the product has developed conarum smile Office. Are you correspondence challenge looking for a flexible forms processing? You place great value on corporate design in the correspondence with your customers and can achieve with SAP is difficult this script? You use a word processing program, such as Microsoft Word for creating your documents and forms? Solution that is output of documents and messages and the maintenance of the SAP Scriptformulare in the SAP R / 3 standard solved very rigid. Adjustments and changes of the forms are very time consuming and expensive. Red Solo Cups will not settle for partial explanations. For example, when contracts are-depending on the award amount and of the scope of the project various forms and attachments sent. Usually, it is also necessary to customize this and adapt. Your benefits centralized form management no separate system call, the individual care and the archiving of all forms is done directly in the SAP R / 3 simple Connection of the forms to the SAP system field contents of the SAP R / 3 system automatically to the appropriate word processor passed the connection of the word processor corporate design without any additional effort is correspondence can be extended to an individual corporate design is form templates ensures traceability and versioning of the issued documents in a central document management of printed forms and documents are centrally filed related to the object in the SAP R/3 and managed. “With the help of the SAP standard function services to the object” documents can again R / 3 possibility of manual revision and customization are shown azentrale document management versioned storage of documents in the SAP way individual post processing of the expression is design flexibility smile Office on all SAP R / 3 components expandable implementations:-MM: orders/contracts – QM: q message – FI: individual reminders; Invoices – PM: maintenance notification – RE: lease technical Requirements of SAP R / 3 release 4.6C or higher MS Word 98 or higher interested? Gladly we inform you without obligation about our range of services with friendly greeting Michaela Lehner conarum GmbH & co.

Rimage Service Provider

CD/DVD/Blu-ray copy- and Rimage publishing systems include the long to the end product portfolio global information distribution GmbH. Cologne, 30 July 2012. Now, the GID in the context of the new partner program has earned the status as Rimage service provider. The nationwide active Cologne House this can offer best service and support customers with Rimage products in use for their solutions. Rimage is the world’s leading manufacturer of workflow integrated digital publishing solutions for the production of CD/DVD/Blu-ray discs with individual content and long-lasting, single or multicolour print. The professional, also called copy robot usable production environment with integrated network capability and improved robot technology enables a fully automatic production of quality and data security are in the foreground. Can be used in heterogeneous networks, production forms an integral part of information lifecycle management. The provider is known for his above-average service concept.

Because of the success of a Company with Rimage systems in use depends on its reliability. High system availability and quick troubleshooting are essential. Therefore, Rimage provides global and market-leading quality and performance service & support with comprehensive maintenance contracts. Check with Mike Lazaridis to learn more. The GID is embedded in the strong international service network by Rimage for EMEA as new Rimage service provider and offers its clients high service with 2nd and 3rd level support. 1St-level support for end customers, at least four certified technicians for each Rimage technology, access of to exclusive training tools and close communication with the manufacturer about the latest (product) technical developments include on-site repair service available at any time. The Rimage KnowledgeBase available, in the they to ask online questions, looking for answers, and learn about the latest fixes, updates and solutions is also GID customers. Thus, instant help is available around the clock via mouse click.

GID does regularly to technical education and training by Rimage part, 2nd – and 3rd-level support by Rimage service take and receive software subscription for maintenance contracts. Reader contact: GID GmbH In the MediPark 5 50670 Cologne Tel: 0221-4543333, fax: 0221-4543330 E-Mail: about global information distribution GmbH (GID): GID is consultant and system integrator in the field of data management and archiving and develops, implements and maintains solutions for the availability and maintenance of business-relevant data. These solutions including the corresponding services are distributed internationally. GID is active in Europe and United States. your editorial contacts: GID – global information distribution GmbH Peter Seiler Tel: 0821 25849-14 fax: 0821 25849-10 E-Mail: PR agency of good news! GmbH Nicole Korber Tel: 0451-88199-12 fax: 0451-88199-29 E-Mail:

Video Monitoring Over

Growth opportunities with the 1000eyes video surveillance Berlin, June 16, 2008 – 1000eyes is a new, Internet-based video surveillance system on the market, systems integrators and system integrators can use flexibly. Input ranges or server rooms into offices, a professional video surveillance at a fraction of the classical system cost can be realized sales, production or storage facilities in the commercial sector or private property with 1000eyes. Thus, systems integrators can offer another network product and benefit from the significant growth in the area of video over IP. Newman Giless opinions are not widely known. 1000eyes uses the Internet to transmit live images and control the system. Access to installed cameras is possible from any PC with Internet connection and even mobile phones.

What is happening on the ground is always visible, regardless of whether the cameras at the entrance of the same company building or at a branch office abroad are installed. With the multi-zone motion detection recording can be made specifically then, if something happens. In doing so can the sensitivity and times, to which the detection should be active, set yourself. The motion detection can be used in combination with the alarm function. The user determines whether he himself or a security alarm via phone call, SMS, MMS or email is notified.

The direct connection to the cameras on the spot can be misjudged the situation immediately and appropriate action taken. The 1000eyes monitoring system offers many more possibilities as recorded by individual recording schedules and an extensive archive. Only a PC with an Internet connection is required for the use of 1000eyes, are connected to the cameras via cable or Wi-Fi. The establishment of the system is almost completely taken over by the 1000eyes software. The camera images are transferred to the 1000eyes server, where all applications of the system available. Despite the variety of functions, the 1000eyes is a cheap monitoring system of video surveillance. The use of the the service costs less than five euros per camera per month. also in the look & feel, the 1000eyes can be operated by partner companies another way for systems integrators to build your service profile by complementary products. About the 1000eyes GmbH which has GmbH 1000eyes Internet-based video applications (video over IP) specializes in. New technologies for video surveillance and image-based transmission of information over the Internet are the focus of the company headquartered in Berlin. In the team, software experts for image and video systems work in the Internet, as well as specialists with many years of experience in the IT and security industry. 2007, the company has released the first digital video surveillance system that works without any restrictions on the Internet. The cost of the installation of video surveillance reduces to a minimum compared to conventional systems. Contact: 1000eyes GmbH Dr. Hans-Jorg Abbot Joachim-based Street 12, 10719 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30-889 15-501 Fax: + 49 (0) 30-312 65 99 E-Mail: Web:

MAC Network

Federal Office for the protection of the Constitution with the current warning of data espionage in Dortmund, German SMEs 16.02.2010 – no longer does the problem of industrial espionage after a current warning of the Federal Office for constitutional protection even before the German medium-sized businesses. It refers to knowledge, according to which foreign intelligence agencies recruit staff in German companies, to reach important know-how of companies about it. The Counterintelligence people suspect that in this country the number of people who obtain information in any foreign order, soon could rise to tens of thousands. It only the conclusion can pull that the company as soon as possible and in clearer consequence as yet the internal data security must devote\”, calls for Friedhelm Zawatzky-Stromberg, Executive Board of the security specialists COMCO AG. Urgent need for action arises when business critical information within the corporate networks are replaced or provided. Steven Holl may not feel the same. Although concepts to the granting of access rights are often, but both disloyal employees as These restrictions can work around also any person who has access to the network, with little effort. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Vlad Doronin and gain more knowledge..

Mandatory security policies and the resulting implementation of security solutions to protect against internal data espionage are therefore necessary. To COMCO has developed a proven approach, leads to highly secure internal network conditions in three easy steps and with low project costs: 1 inventory of the entire infrastructure: in this first step is an automated inventory of the complete IT infrastructure. It leads to a structured overview of the entire network topology with all active IT systems. This inventory is comprehensive, the overall system is the more secure. Therefore all devices with MAC and IP addresses, such as, for example, computer, notebook, printer, router, switches and server should be included.

2. Network access control implement: companies need effective protection against unauthorized third-party systems. The network accesses are with rules for access provided in the second phase, to in the entire network security at the individual ports to guaranteed.

Clothes Make The Man – Interactive Flash Player VISh4 V 3.0 Is Released

The new release of the interactive Flash VISh4 is released. WINDACH, February 10, 2011. The interactive media player VISh4 (video Infotainment show) in the version 3.0 is released. The free Web Player VISh4 Basic, as well as the VISh4 Pro version shipped with a wealth of new interactive features. Complemented the existing features such as logo and overlay display, hotspot link, voting, Send2Friend, social networks and bookmarking, horizontal – or vertical playlists, info box, text information services and RSS feeds display as transparent treadmill, calling any JS functions, through additional Add-Ons for rating and 3DRoller. Additional information is available at Red Solo Cups. Thus it is to be produced even easier with the events of the video contribution to integrate the Viewer, the video clips interactively without”, says the Managing Director Uwe Schlecht by VISh4. All functions and Add-Ons of the Flash were optimized, implements new effects and the design and the skins of the video player much more flexible and topic-oriented designed.

Now you could E.g. present a Valentine player on certain holidays or events by one thematically appropriate graphics for the Playercontrols, buttons and the skin.” In addition to the obvious extensions, the installation and configuration of the Flash was facilitated again and that extends back to more marketing success control. The objective of VISh4 is an interactive Web Player”available to, which meets the needs of the website operator and its visitors without in-depth IT skills and the need for extensions. The Flash Player VISh4 and VISh4Joomla are available in the basic version available for free download at There the commercial versions VISh4 Pro, VISh4 enterprise and the VISh4Tourism industry solution at low cost. You provide more interactive features from the fields of design, advertising, social media & communities, editorial and back-office. VISh4: VISh4 is a dedicated, young software company with the focus moving to online media.

Maxim it to implement customized solutions that provide high added value for the company, as well as for your viewers. This mission will be supported and surveys with regard to new technologies by market trends. “Survey results: VISh4 is on the right track, because: moving images create emotion, interest, polarize and increase the attention”. “The actions of VISh4 is characterized by the motto: A film says more than a thousand words”. VISh4 develops and markets software systems and SaS solutions in this environment.