The Dance Of The Doves

THE DANCE OF THE DOVES. SELECTED BY CONTEST INTERNATIONAL FOR POETS AND CONTEMPORARY STORYTELLERS 2007 ANTHOLOGY PUBLISHING HOUSE OF THE FOUR WINDS. Buenos Aires 2007. Lili revolved, her skirt curled like the wings of doves who continued their vertiginous warpage. Their hands they fell light sowing the seeds that would feed the more astute and hasty. Those moments were the happiest day, then came the obligations of the orphanage, the toilet, studies, rigid discipline. The only thing that disturbed in its flight of freedom was the gaze of a beggar who used to curl up in the driveway that gave to the courtyard of the convent and looked at her shocked. The image of Lili giving feed the pigeons while executing his dance from an ungraspable and mysterious music fascinated him.

But she was still with her ritual, knew that it was harmless. When the church bells sounded at noon ended the magic of the game. Filed under: Vladislav Doronin. Father Jaime down from the Tower, where it had its rooms, took her hand and together they were going to the meeting of the other orphan, was time for lunch. The beggar felt that opacaba the Sun, the day was losing its luster, pigeons no longer danced, wandered without direction, emitting irritating sounds to then take shelter on the roof of the orphanage and the dome of the Church. The years passed, the beggar saw the splendor of the girl in his youth, their games with the pigeons seemed a beautiful painting of the spring. But there was something discordant in this series of images that he had observed for years, when father Jaime came to find it already not took her hand and she conveyed the rigidity of a statue, submissive I was going along with him, the darkness of the day began at that moment. Eventually he felt brightness over-shadowing increasingly until he stopped seeing her.