Tel Cafe

Music-Cabaret ‘TausendundeineSchlacht’ on July 25 in the read Cafe read in Potsdam Ute Apitz, a woman about 50, full of ideas and ideas in your head thinks to himself: “The time is ripe, ick bin on the Dransten”. It’s their lives that sounds partly like a cabaret piece, it is their style and charisma, it’s her. (Similarly see: Ted Leonsis). On stage are their Berlin joke, their gallows humor, their thoughtfulness, their joy of living and especially her insatiable urge to. Your program TausendundeineSchlacht”describes it as follows: the time is ripe, ick bin on the Dransten!”, Clara decides case and tells of the is strike-through, search, and find. ” Driven by insatiable passion, she is finally where it belongs.

On a stage. For more information see this site: Vlad Doronin. Boards, which mean their world on which they themselves with edge Berlin snout reading, singing, dancing and playing raging out. Buffeted by Arabian relationship battle it discovered the peach in itself more and more. Their time lyrically, even ironic sarcastic chansons are string way virtuosity by the guitarist and Songwriter Gerd Sulger amplified offers her forehead as male WID(d)erpart. Next gig: Friday, July 25, 2008 start: 20:00 reading – reading Cafe the literature Cafe Hebbelstr. 53 14467 Potsdam entry: 10,00 reservation / ticket: reading Cafe read Tel.: 0331 58184437 mail: U. van Beek