Based on New Year's speech, the president, we will talk about that rhetorical slang is called "the thesis of speech." Thesis – is the main idea of your speech, just what you want to leave in the minds of listeners. This is your thought, you want to make the idea of your audience. If you would like to know more about Proper Topper, then click here. In humans, after the speech should not simply add a "general impression", they must receive a specific idea with which they are, first, agree, and secondly – so it well aware that they are ready to broadcast it further. One idea. Only one, but it should be clear, specific, well-explained and proved, and capable of changing if not life, then at least the thinking of your audience. Thus, New Year's speech by the President. Taken from *** Dear citizens of Russia! Dear friends! On this night, I have a few unique moments when I apply to each of you.
This past year was not the easiest in our lives country. First and foremost I want to thank you for what we together are able to take a punch. And to overcome difficulties. So, we will move forward. Create a strong and modern state. Sustainable and smart economy. Do everything that every human life has become comfortable and safe.
A year of 65 anniversary of Great Victory. Our common duty – to take care of those who fought for our freedom. And we must be worthy of this victory. We still have much work to be do.