You can be also not by the economic downturn by its growth rate down. “To do this, there is also no reason: both companies have recently presented solid revenue and profit growth in its half-yearly balance sheets”, the DIW writes. The new regulatory framework in the United States find in Europe first generic: early August decided to liberate the Spanish regulator CMT industry Primus Telefonica from the obligation to open its fibre-optic network for competitors. Thus, the CMT fulfilled a major demand of Telefonica, which, also, has made dependent on investments in fiber optic networks by reliable, investment-friendly regulatory conditions as other operators. Arnulf Heuermann, Managing Director at the consulting firm specialized in telecommunications, Detecon, advocates to use all possibilities to stimulate investment to create: The appetite for bandwidth will continue to, who does not have fast Internet access has, missed the connection.” Heuer man shows that there are a whole number of ways to support the development of fibre-optic infrastructure: the reform of the regulatory framework in the United States could be a model.
Also the local authorities the duty should be included: the cost for the expansion of fibre-optic networks could be significantly reduced if telecommunications companies could use existing pipe capacities of water, wastewater, electricity and gas. Also mobile technologies could be used in particular in rural areas, to ensure broadband coverage. However, this requires broadcasters to relinquish frequencies on the mobile service providers. A pro-competitive regulatory of infrastructure is undoubtedly an important pillar for employment and productivity in the field of telecommunications. Greater part of the value creation is achieved but in the future in the after storage levels about new services and cross-media deals. In this important future market lacks an integrated Regulatory approach for the converging telecommunications and media markets.