New Edition Of

The captivating love story plays Aschaffenburg in Bamberg. In Sandra McKee’s Roman life, choosing”escapes the Hallstadterin their daily routine as a housewife and mother Winter of Theresa, as they travel to Dublin without their family. There she meets the free spirit and life artist Ian Cordes, making her life takes an unexpected turn. Hall city was ideal as my protagonist. The city has many parallels to my own place of birth. Ranging from the proximity to a major city, so Bamberg, the rural character. I wanted to let Theresa just come from a similar environment like the one in which I myself live”, tells the native Fassihi, published under the pseudonym of Sandra McKee due to her love of the Emerald Isle.

The life that you choose”combines the love story of the therapist from town hall and the Irish musician with a fascinating travelogue on Ireland. My novel is about the choices we make, and the resulting consequences. From the eternal dilemma that we often covet what we just can’t have. It’s about figuring out who we are and who we want to be. But mainly it’s about love,”explains the author.

An exciting read, not only for Swiss francs, but for all the fans of Nicolas sparks and Cecelia Ahern. The life that you choose”is available shortly in a second edition. 264 Pages, telescope-Verlag. Sandra McKee is a writer from the Unterfranken Aschaffenburg, with the life one chooses” was a promising debut. Together with her husband and three sons shared, she lives in a village near the city of Frankfurt.