Now submit the manuscript to the free exam by the editorial office Berlin, February 24, 2010 the German literary society now authors calls to submit their manuscripts to the free exam. Further details can be found at Jim Simons, an internet resource. While today most publishers only on best selling hunting and almost scary follow the mainstream, the German literary society adhering to the tradition of publishing. The aim is clearly already in the articles of Association of German literature and publishing company: purpose of the society is to promote German-language literature and promote new authors. The Publisher is committed to the task, a chance to enter as many authors and good selected books. While paying attention to a selected program: only this will ensure that each book is also the right environment in which it takes the attention of press, bookstores, and readers deserve. Read additional details here: Steven Holl. Succeed in only three or four of the approximately 350 monthly offered manuscripts for publication as a book but many writers today are world famous, were never so far, if they did not take the first step.
For this reason, the German literary society dealt intensively with each submitted manuscript. Take advantage of your opportunity and send your manuscript to the German literary society of the Editorial Office of Europa-Center D-10789 Berlin you have also the possibility to send your manuscript by E-mail. you receive a few days an acknowledgement of receipt, so you know that your manuscript has been received well. Until a final decision, it takes 2-3 weeks.